Michael Hathaway
Open Ecosystems & Blockchain Accelerate Digital Infrastructure in Smart Cities
About Michael
Mr. Hathaway’s career has placed him in the vortex of multiple electronic revolutions. In his early career, he worked with pioneers in electronic music and digital audio. After developing a line of affordable digital audio products at Lexicon (acquired by Harmon Industries), he transitioned to the networking sector. He was a technical contributor during early days of Ethernet and ATM network switches, culminating in developing the first gigabit capable Internet packet forwarding engine for a DARPA project while working at BBN. He was a founder and executive at the pioneering terabit Internet router startup, Ironbridge Networks and CTO at network processor startup Agere (acquired by Lucent Micro). Since 2003, after a short stint working with Venture Capitalists, he set his sights on developing a signaling and messaging layer to facilitate secure transactions over the public Internet. After 10 years of applying his architecture principals across multiple consulting projects, he founded Information Xchange (IX) and developed the Tensor-Connect platform based on his architectural principals. This lightweight information management platform assigns tokens to users and software applications, providing parameter level access permissions to Internet accessible data. Tensor Connect establishes ownership of network connected assets and information, enabling the owner to share information with applications, services and stakeholders in multi-enterprise and smart city applications. With Blockchain now reaching a level of maturity to support Enterprise applications, he is spearheading the incorporation of Blockchain into Tensor-Connect. He believes the incorporation of Blockchain into Enterprise data security to be the foundation of yet another electronic revolution.