Bita Milanian
SVP, Global Marketing
Ribbon Communications
Not Just Smart Cities – Safer Cities
As new physical infrastructure is built across the US, adding digital capabilities connected with increasingly powerful 5G and LTE networks into the planning and roll out creates unprecedented opportunities to connect people – and things – making our cities safer. With the ongoing threats of terrorism, a record number of active shooters in schools, attacks in public venues, and increasing requirements to ensure freedoms when people come together to celebrate or protest, government leaders are seeking out new ways to monitor and manage communities in often invisible but powerful ways. In this talk, Bita Milanian, SVP Global Market for Ribbon Communications and Raj Devi, Co-founder and CEO Chenoa Information Systems, will share a vision for the powerful combination of cameras, sensors and the physical assets they are connected to and real time communications, securely connecting local, state and federal agencies, first responders, hospitals, schools, public transportation systems and hubs, parks, stadiums, auditoriums and any place people with to gather and enjoy their freedoms without fear.
About Bita
Bita Milanian serves as the Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at Ribbon (ribboncommunications.com) & its Kandy.io division. Ribbon is a global leader in real-time communications software solutions for service providers, enterprises, independent software vendors, systems integrators and developers, operating in over 80 countries.
With over 20 years of marketing, branding and communications experience, Bita has held senior-level marketing positions at various companies, including TPx Communications and Global Crossing. Prior to joining Ribbon, she held the top post of Executive Director for Farhang Foundation (farhang.org) and is also the founder of the creative and consulting agency Butterfly Buzz (bflybuzz.com), which she still operates as a means to continue her humanitarian work, support up-and-coming artists, as well as non-profits, to enable them to increase their profiles and optimize their brands.
A passionate community organizer, Bita actively volunteers her time and expertise in support of numerous causes and organizations and is a popular speaker at various conferences and programs on the topics of technology, philanthropy, art, culture, social justice and gender equality.
Bita has been a social media influencer and blogger since 2000, leveraging her expertise in online platforms for business to raise the profiles of global entrepreneurs, immigrants and artists alike who are being the change in the world they wish to see, building on Gandhi’s philosophy.
Although an Angeleno for nearly 30 years, Bita considers herself a global citizen and focuses her efforts on that scale. Bita attended California State University, Northridge studying Business Administration and Marketing, and Kaiserin Augusta Schule in Cologne, Germany. Prior to Germany, she spent the first 13 years of her life in Iran, where she was born.
She is fluent in Persian and German, and proficient in conversational Spanish, French and Azeri Turkish. As a seasoned traveler, she has had the pleasure of experiencing cuisines from various corners of the world. She enjoys trying new and bold flavors, and is equally as passionate about creating them in her own kitchen. “Food connects us,” Bita writes, “and when we are connected, we have the power to bring cultures together for positive change.”
Key Articles & Media
A Year of Progress, A New Year of Promise
Changing The Emergency Room Experience For Good – Dr. Tina Miranda’s Vision Becomes Real